If you’re looking for a way to add a little bit of personality to your Instagram posts, then you should definitely consider using captions. With captions, you can not only add some fun and interesting facts about yourself or the photos, but you can also engage with your followers by asking them questions or leaving a call to action. No matter what your purpose is, there are definitely some great Bird Photography captions ideas out there for you to use!
Here I have collected some of the best Bird Photography Captions for Instagram. I hope you must be like and be interested in using these captions for your next Instagram post. So, don’t let and read our article.
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Bird Photography Captions for Instagram
- A secret is like a dove: When it leaves my hand it takes wing.
- When birds burp, it must taste like bugs. – Bill Watterson
- If you have to eat crow, eat it while it’s young and tender.
- I know of only one bird – the parrot – that talks; and it can’t fly very high.
- Soft feathers cannot make a cruel bird kind. – Munia Khan
- The arrow strikes one bird down, but the flock remains.
- Bird photography is a form of nature photography, which involves taking pictures of birds in their natural habitats.
- It is a foul bird that filleth his own nest. – John Heywood
- Hear how the birds, on every blooming spray, with joyous music wake the dawning day.
- The caged bird sings with a fearful trill, of things unknown, but longed for still, and his tune is heard on the distant hill, for the caged bird sings of freedom.
- Do you know which bird steals the soap from bath? It is robber ducks.
- The crow went travelling abroad and came back just as black.
- Frame your feed with beautiful birds. #mybirdfeed
- It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
- Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly. – John Lennon
- A forest bird never wants a cage.
- The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind
- “I know I don’t own Big Bird, but I own his soul, I feel.”
- Let’s set birds free this #WorldBirdDay.
- The bird thinks it a favor to give the fish a lift in the air.
- A bird is three things: feathers, flight and song, And feathers are the least of these.
- A bird is three things: Feathers, flight and song, And feathers are the least of these. – Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- A bird doesn‘t sing because he has an answer. He sings because it has a song.
- Poor indeed is the garden in which birds find no homes.
- The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind. -Carly Simon
- Poor indeed is the garden in which birds find no homes. – Abram L. Urban
- I like the idea of taking off like a bird. – Florence Welch
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- We think caged birds sing when indeed they cry.
- We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry. – John Webster
- The hobby of bird photography requires you to go places where you can find birds in their natural habitat and be with them long enough to take a picture of them (or several pictures) before they fly away.
- A bird doesn’t sing because he has an answer. He sings because it has a song.
- “A bird is three things: feathers, flight and song, And feathers are the least of these.” -Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- “This is my singular radar, I keep it in my pocket and at night it whispers to me, “no one will be able to see you”.” #quotesaboutlife
- “The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind.” -Carly Simon
- No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
- A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking. Her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings.
Bird Captions for Instagram
- Full moon fills in power lines, crow flies off.
- Soft feathers cannot make a cruel bird kind.
- The bird that flutters least is longest on the wing. – William Cowper
- Having a weird mom builds character.
- Bird photography is both a fascinating hobby and a growing craft. Bird photographers take pictures of birds which capture the unique beauty of these animals.
- A bird in hand is a certainty. But a bird in the bush may sing.
- The presence of a single bird can change everything for one who appreciates them. – Julie Zickefoose
- The only bird that gives the poor a real tumble is the stork.
- “If you see birds flying high, you are looking at happiness and freedom.”
- In order to see birds, it is necessary to become part of the silence.
- Just remember it’s the birds that’s supposed to suffer, not the hunter.
- Bird photography is a hobby that’s both fun and challenging. It requires the ability to get close to a bird of prey and capture its beauty, skillfully using all your techniques to create photos that capture the birds’ personality.
- Bird photography is both a sport and an art form.
- The bird is the word
- Birds are the most accomplished aeronauts the world has ever seen.
- Love splattered on my life like bird shit on a windshield.
- Crows are more sincere than they look, you know.
- The bird thinks it is a favor to give the fish a lift in the air.
- Be yourself unless you can be a bird.
- If only the best birds sang, the forest would be silent.
- The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind.
- Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.
- The only bird that gives the poor a real tumble is the stork. – Wilson Mizner
- The birds, the moon and the clouds have an important mission: To make mankind turn their eyes towards the skies! And so man can leave his own little local world and focus on something bigger, the universe!
- Bird watching season is the best. These little songbirds bring so much joy to my life that I just can’t help but stop and stare every time.
- You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren
- Birds are the eyes of heaven, and flies are the spies of hell. – Suzy Kassem
- Birds have wings; they’re free; they can fly where they want when they want. They have the kind of mobility many people envy.
- We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry.
- Always be yourself—unless you can be a bird
- If you’re gonna do it, do it with all your heart. You only get one life. Do what you love, and love what you do!
- Without love, we are birds with broken wings.
- Feel the breeze in your feathers.
- Proud as a peacock.
- My wing-woman in life, love of birds is one of my favourite accounts to follow on IG. The breathtaking bird photos are the best! She’s a sweetheart
- I’m not really a bird person or an Audubon guy who studies them, but as I was around them, they interested me.
Funny Bird Photography Captions
- What do you give sick birds? Tweetment!
- Birds are the first and the greatest performers. – Olivier Messiaen
- Bird photography is an activity that combines the thrill of birds with the art of photography.
- Aren’t we all just looking for our own little corner of the sky?
- Birds born in cages think that flying is an illness.
- Birds are the first and the greatest performers.
- It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you. – Abu Bakr
- And the crow once called the raven black.
- In order to see birds, it is necessary to become a part of the silence.
- I smile because I‘m your daughter. I laugh because there‘s nothing you can do about it.
- Birdwatching season has started.
- Bird photography is about two things: Getting close to birds and getting a good picture of them. It’s a pastime that many people enjoy.
- The stork is voiceless because there is really nothing to say.
- If only the best birds sang, the forest would be silent. – Henry Van Dyke
- Birds are a miracle because they prove to us there is a finer, simpler state of being which we may strive to attain.
- Forget the dog—beware the bird
- “I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
- Bird photography, or Birding, is the hobby of taking pictures of birds, especially for identification or for records like in an album
- We think caged birds sing when indeed they cry. – John Webster
- Some birds are not meant to be caged, that‘s all.
- Bird photography is an exciting and challenging, but rewarding hobby that helps you learn about the natural world.
- “I know I don’t own Big Bird, but I own his soul, I feel.” – Actor and puppeteer Caroll Spinney
- My father always said, ‘Malala will be free as a bird.’
- Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we’ll soon be in trouble.
- Blackbirds are the cellos of the deep farms. – Anne Stevenson
- Birds born in cages think that flying is an illness. – Alejandro Jodorowsky
- Hi, I’m a bird.
- No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky. – Bob Dylan
- “You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.” – Author and ornithologist William Henry Hudson
- What do you say to the birds?
- Songbirds sing a song of joy
- It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you.
- Allow them to fly free and capture the beauty of their flight
- A birds-eye view.
- Gannet striking a coast.
Bird Photography Quotes for Instagram
- Birds are the eyes of heaven, and flies are the spies of hell.
- Caged birds accept each other but flight is what they long for.
- Feed the birds, and they’ll keep you company. Sweet songbirds welcome to my garden party!
- He imagines a necessary joy in things that must fly to eat.
- I like the idea of taking off like a bird.
- A bird’s eye view
- A forest bird never wants a cage. – Henrik Ibsen
- Each bird loves to hear himself sing
- Birds are not free since Men have invented cages.
- The eagle does not catch flies.
- Birds are not free since Men have invented cages. – Mehmet Murat ildan
- An albatross around the neck.
- You can’t fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
I think you have read this article carefully and found perfect Bird Photography Captions for you. If you have benefited from this post. Then you can share this post with your friends and also share it on other social media. If you need more captions. Let me know. I will try to share.
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I am Lakshmi Sinha, Founder & Senior Editor of CaptionsBest. I have created this blog to share Instagram Captions, Bio Ideas, and Quotes.