When you want to share Justice pictures on Instagram. Then your first goal is to use the perfect caption for your pictures. In the present time, it is very hard to find out the best and most unique captions. If you are looking for unique Justice Captions. Then Look no further. Because now you have arrived at the right place.
I have written this post to help you to choose the perfect Captions For Instagram. These captions will help you to express your feelings, emotion, happiness and more.
So, No more talking now, Follow here the best collection of Justice Captions and Quotes. Why are you waiting? Let’s check and find perfect captions for your Instagram next post.
Captions for Instagram
- true beauty has no timeline – the world’s best watch
- Let’s end each other’s lonely nights, be each other’s paradise.
- And finally, I’m right where I belong.
- You got me low-key nervous.
- You the one that I argue with, I feel like I need a new girl to be bothering with.
- Cities, like people, are defined by the promises they keep.
- Be yourself. Justice is everything.
- The most beautiful revenge is to live a happy life
- “Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey.”
- “As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation – either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”
- Raise your voice for what you believe. Be heard for what you know is right.
- I’ll buy you anything, I’ll buy you any ring.
- Blink of an eye, no goodbye.
- Sure I’m not your only flame.
- Let your heart hold fast to what it worships. Happy Fall!
- Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently…
- For when you wanna throw shade
- You are justice, your heart is pure and when your mind is set to right all will be right.
- Girls just wanna have fun, but they shouldn’t have to compromise their style to do it.
- The world is yours, and you are beautiful. The future depends on what you do with it.
- When I’m with you, I feel like it’s a daydream.
- When you’re on a mission for justice, shoot for the moon.
- “Do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice.”
- Can’t make up your mind, please don’t waste my time.
- “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”
- Be strong, fierce, and true to yourself.
- If you want justice, you’ve got to be willing to do some soul-searching first
- I’ll show you what you’re worth.
- “The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge! Selah”
- We all want the same things. Freedom. Equality. Love. Courage to chase our dreams. Fairness and respect for human rights.
- And by not being perfect you sometimes can disappoint people
- “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”
- We’re not guilty. We just look that way.
- “Resentment seems to have been given us by nature for a defense, and for a defense only! It is the safeguard of justice and the security of innocence.”
- Stop the injustice, and show how you feel.
- Confident, and I’m down with it.
- We don’t care if you’re on a date, having fun with friends, or partying with your squad we know you’re gonna look good doing it.
- “I want to live in a world where people will not be judged by their gender or sexual identity but by the content of their character.” ―Audre Lorde
- We’re not perfect and we don’t have to be. We are strong, true to ourselves, and confident in who we are. Live justice every day.
- And there’s just no turning back.
- No one can be completely bad until they’ve tried to be good. -Justice
- I showed you the game everybody else was playin’
- I’m gonna show you more than I ever could say.
- Never stop fighting for what you believe in—the world needs more people like you.
- Wear what feels good, look how you feel, and do what makes you feel alive.
- I’m on some risky business
Instagram Captions about Justice
- Do what you love, be kind, and don’t sweat the rest.
- Fierce is the new sexy in #Alterego, featuring an all-new bodysuit with lots of attitudes. Available at Justice.com/shop
- “Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.”
- We all believe in justice. The question is, what kind?
- We all deserve to be #Justiced. Check out @nypdjusticenews on Instagram—and let us know if you see something worth sharing.
- ‘Cause I’m off my face, in love with you.
- Playing girls was my high.
- Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know On earth, and all ye need to know.
- Don’t need these other pretty faces like I need you.
- Been you
- “People who don’t expect justice don’t have to suffer disappointment.”
- I want to wrap my arms around you, baby, never let you go.
- Find your voice and never be silenced.
- Act Like you know me, but you never will.
- “Justice can sleep for years and awaken when it is least expected. A miracle is nothing more than dormant justice from another time arriving to compensate those it has cruelly abandoned.”
- Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe your commands are eternal. Psalm 119:66
- Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, and concentrate the mind on the present moment.
- She was a girl who knew what she liked and liked what she knew.
- “Homer, that’s your solution to everything… You know, the courts might not work any more, but as long as everybody is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done.”
- Could it be I don’t know what’s good for me?
- “Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.”
- Would honestly rather be chillin’ by the fire while we eating fondue tonight, but our costumes are too good not to show off.
- Whoever said size doesn’t matter, never went to Justice.
- And, baby, I be movin’ on”
- Our love is here to stay
- Focus ain’t the same if the picture ain’t got you in it.
- Looking for a way to take on the day? We’re here to help you #CrushIt
- “To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”
- Justice is what love looks like in public. – Cornel West
- “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.”
- We’re doing our best to bring an end to #celebrityjustice. Find out how you can help at http://nna.org/justice
- We are the generation that is changing the definition of luxury, one wayfarer at a time.
- Everybody deserves a second chance.
- your girls have got your back. You’re with the best squad on earth. Together you can do anything, be anything and we’ll always be there for you…
- “If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgement of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgement now.”
- Courage is often confused with confidence or strength, but it’s neither of those. Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
- Before I met you, I never believed in magic, but you stole my heart before anyone knew you had it.
- Justice is a state where all humans have equal access to the resources that enable them to live dignified, autonomy-respecting lives.
- “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”
- And you’ve given me the best gift that I’ve ever known.
- You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you. -JK Rowling
- Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
- This is the moment you discover.
- Anything’s possible since you made my heart melt.
- Catch a bad chick by her toe.
- Justice is doing what’s right despite the cost. – J.R.
- We’re not saying we want to be the future of fashion but the future of fashion is us. #LetJusticeBeYourGuide
- Don’t be afraid to speak up if you see something wrong.
- This is a caption for a women’s clothing company, using quotes to inspire women.
- “Justice? You get justice in the next world, in this world you have the law.”
- Wouldn’t want nobody else by my side.
- Just to think that we’ve been out here this whole time workin’ through the seasons, never crossed paths ’til we had a reason.
Funny Justice Captions for Instagram
- Don’t need these other pretty faces as I need you.
- “All pain is a punishment, and every punishment is inflicted for love as much as for justice.”
- Without all the people who have shown me, taught me, and fought for me… I wouldn’t be here today. So thank you #ThankYou
- We’re all about girl power. Every creature on earth is female first—and they should stay that way.
- And you’ve given me the best gift that I’ve ever known
- Mark my words: We’re winning the best costume award tonight.
- Act like you know me, but you never will.
- We are all different. We are all one.
- “Justice is the means by which established injustices are sanctioned.”
- You are my love, you are my heart.
- Not everything’s for everyone, but everything is for someone.
- I wear what I wanna wear and say what I wanna say.
- “If we are to keep our democracy, there must be one commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice.”
- Be always on the lookout—so that you can be on the move.
- “Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.”
- We’re all just trying to figure it out.
- I’d spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more, if that’s what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours.
- We all have the same size heart. It’s just some of us don’t have enough courage to use ours.
- Used to say the sky’s the limit, now the sky’s our point of view.
- We are the youth, and we need to see justice! YOUTH UNITED FOR JUSTICE!
- Your wardrobe is your statement but your actions & values are your story. Dress it up. Justice
- “I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.”
- “Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
- Two seconds without you’s like two months.
- There’s gonna be times in life when people tell you that you can’t, that’s when you just gotta turn around and say watch me.
- We’re all born to be free.
- Started from the bottom. Now we’re here. @justice_maison
- “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
- “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”
- ‘Cause I’m still young and acting up.
- Now we’re on top of the world, ’cause that’s just how we do
- Ask me what’s my best side, I stand back and point at you.
- Bring on the bandage dress, the oversize sweatshirt, the studded boots, and that weird-ass hat you can’t stop thinking about owning. You’re ready for a new look.
- “Right knows no boundaries and justice no frontiers; the brotherhood of man is not a domestic institution.”
- We live in an era of technology where the real problem with justice is that everyone can be connected, but no one can be held accountable.
- And no matter what, you’re always number one.
- Overcoming obstacles isn’t about luck. It takes courage, resolve, and a power suit.
- We’re not perfect, but people are.
- “Dreams are an important part of the creative process. They loosen the bonds of self-consciousness and allow fresh ideas to flow.” –John Updike
- Rule the school. Rule the streets. Rule the world.
- A woman’s place is in the resistance.
- We see you when you’re sleeping, we know when you’re awake #JusticeXGlamazon
- “Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.”
- Stand proud in your truth and take a stand for what you believe in. Be the change you want to see. Justice is what you do while it’s happening.
- Like a permanent stain, wishing I could just wash away.
- It’s been a hell of a ride driving the edge of a knife.
Justice Captions in English
- You are my love, you are my heart
- This is where a caption can help you put your feelings in words.
- We’re justice girls. If you are too, then rep your favorite piece with a #justiceforall tee. Spotlight your strength—and ours—by sharing what justice means to you.
- “Sometimes, the only way to get justice is to take it for yourself.”
- You’ve got the Right to Be You
- Say aloud what you want the world to hear
- We all deserve to feel safe and respected. Tell justice to start trending.
- But you’re only taking and not giving anymore.
- “I seek truth over a lie; I seek justice over injustice; I seek righteousness over the rewards of evildoers, and I love Allah more than I love the state.”
- Putting an end to gender discrimination since…forever.
- Our love is here to stay.
- You can’t be a princess if you don’t act like one.
- Justice is noticing what everyone else ignores. #womensfashion
- “It does no service to the cause of racial equality for white people to content themselves with judging themselves to be non-racist. Few people outside the clan or skinhead movements own up to all-out racism these days. White people must take the extra step. They must become anti-racist.”
- What you wear is a reflection of who you are. #myChoiceMyJustice
- You’re my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure.
- “A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.”
- There’s a reason why justice is being served. It feels good to stand up and say something.
- “When we identify where our privilege intersects with somebody else’s oppression, we’ll find our opportunities to make real change.”
- You have the right to be whoever you want to be: do whatever you want to do.
- We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. –George Bernard Shaw
- I don’t take myself too seriously, but I do take my work very seriously.
- Sometimes people say that you can not live your dreams. Sometimes people say that you can not sell out Madison square garden. Well this is what I tell them… Never say never!
- These girls are sick of the injustice in the world #girlsjustice
- A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous.
- Now we stepping out like whoa.
- Stand up for what you believe in.
- Justice is blind. No matter who you are or what you look like, everyone deserves a fair chance.
- When life pushes you down on your knees you’re in the perfect position to pray.
- “Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.”
- Dress the life you want to live. ♛
- Don’t do what you love in order to make money. Do what makes you happy and money will follow
- It’s funny how you used that time to have me replaced.
- Justice is not only our name but also a value we live and breathe everyday. Let us make an impact on your life today.
- Ain’t nobody got no patience. Want what they want right now.
- We’re not just making clothes. We’re making history.
- They say, “Justice wears a blindfold for a reason.” We agree, which is why we don’t design clothing with logos or words on them. Stay true, stay just.
- “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”
- “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”
- “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
- I Woke up like this. I wish everyone did.
- You give me purpose.
- Justice is doing what’s right, no matter what—Moses
- I want to be everything that women aren’t told that they can be.
- Life is better for everybody when ladies are in justice.
- My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone
- “Denouncing evil is a far cry from doing good.”
- We all deserve a fair shot—in love, in friendship, in life. That’s the spirit of #MeToo.
- Don’t wait for someone to give you your power—take it yourself.
Fight for Justice Captions
- “My fight is not for racial sameness but for racial equality and against racial prejudice and discrimination.”
- I’m not a feminist, I’m a humanist.
- I was mistaken by the way you loved me.
- It don’t make no sense unless I’m doing it with you.
- “I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.”
- “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”
- “To sit in judgment of those things which you perceive to be wrong or imperfect is to be one more person who is part of judgment, evil or imperfection.”
- And, baby, I be movin’ on.
- For that emotional post
- Don’t need these other pretty faces like I need you..
- On the court, off the court, and everywhere in between, you’re gonna love what we do next. Turn it up loud
- “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.”
- Cause, baby, you smile, I smile.
- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.
- “It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished.”
- We’re just friends, what are you saying?
- I will speak for the voiceless and fight for the rights of every man, woman, and child who has no voice.
- Forgive me for my sins.
- Focus ain’t the same if the picture ain’t got you in it
- Thanks for making me one less lonely girl.
- Hello, me . I’ve got a wild heart that’s free, so don’t try to tame me. #GirlGoneWild
- Impeach the Supreme Court
- Be proud of who you are and what you represent.
- So go ahead and drive me insane, baby, run your mouth. I still wouldn’t trade being stuck with you.
- Boldly go where no woman has gone before. #WomenWhoGo
- I think you’re the only thing I didn’t get wrong.
- So prettier than all the rest.
- Got a whole lotta texts on my phone and I don’t reply.
- Signature in bold and a mix of sans-serif and serif.
- “The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.”
- Bae may not have as many tattoos, but I still thinks he makes a pretty convincing J Biebs.
- Stand up for what you believe in. It will always be easier to sit down.
- The world is waiting for you to make your mark
- I’d face a thousand years of pain for my girl.
- “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”
- You are the only one I’ll ever love. If it’s not you, it’s not anyone.
- There’s nothing that I want more than us.
- When we shine, we shine together. Yeah, that’s what love is.
- She’s made of steel, but she likes to feel alive.
- I showed you the game everybody else was playin’.
- Now we stepping out like whoa
- #GoTopless Day is August 26th; let’s #freethenipple and make a difference!
- We live in a world where there’s injustice. But what about our world? Who says we have to play by the rules?
Justice Quotes for Instagram
- “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
- There’s a world of injustice out there. And we’re not gonna take it anymore. Be bold, be brave, and stand up for justice. Just do it. #standwithus
- ‘Cause, baby, you smile, I smile.
- Your beauty is powerful. Your voice is powerful. Your truth is powerful. Those are the weapons you take into this world.
- Gather round. Because it’s time to party like it’s 1999. Justice is bringing the bops and y’all are INVITED.
- We want to stand up and make the world a little fairer, one size at a time.
- “It is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people.”
Final Verdict
I am trying to share the best and unique Justice Captions for Instagram. I hope you read this article and also pick your favorite captions for your pictures. If you enjoy our article and if you thought this article is helpful then you can share it with your family or friends. If you have any questions. Let me comment below. Thanks for spending time with us.
Read More: Lawyer Captions For Instagram With Quotes
I am Lakshmi Sinha, Founder & Senior Editor of CaptionsBest. I have created this blog to share Instagram Captions, Bio Ideas, and Quotes.